To book text or call 0422 505 470
Allowing dedicated space to address specific concerns and conditions including pain and/or old injuries, Remedial Massage is ideal to relax and remedy with a more targeted approach.
It is also suitable for those who are simply looking for a great massage that includes a deeper pressure and more focussed approach than a Relaxation Massage.
Remedial Massage can support with a range of conditions including lower back complaints, neck problems, frozen shoulder, RSI, Bursitis, Plantar Fasciitis, Arthritis, Sciatica, TMJ Dysfunction, Headaches/Migraines, problems with sleeping, digestive issues and much more.
When working with a specific injury or concern Remedial Massage focuses not only the area of concern but also on the muscles that surround an injury that may be overcompensating as a result. By supporting the surrounding muscles the body's natural healing process is expedited.​
How to prepare for your session:
Wear comfortable loose clothing for ease of preparing to get on the table.
You will be asked to undress to your underwear for the massage.
You will be draped with towels to ensure any parts of the body not being massaged stay warm and supported. In the colder months heated towels are provided for your comfort.
Warmed eye pillows may also be placed on specific parts of the body to support you to deeply relax.
Make sure you hydrate well after your massage and if you feel to rest, rest or if you feel like activating your renewed vitality with a walk or activity that is also encouraged. Listening to your body is key.